Push-to-Talk scoop in Europe with KPN
Since end 2014 the state-of-the-art mobile service Push-to-Talk is available for the first time in Europe through KPN. On behalf of Sonim M2M is responsible to launch this service through KPN as the first operator in Europe, together with partners Ericssson and Kodiak.
>>KPN Push-to-Talk reference
Voorbij Prefab (TBI) benefits from improved business productivity with KPN Push-to-Talk. “Push-to-Talk takes away a ‘threshold’ -the distance between the office of the production manager and the production floor.”
>>Sonim @ Pepcom Mobile World Congress Barcelona
In 2010 Sonim participated in a unique way to Pepcom, international press event at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. M2M challenged the tech press to the “Sonim Stress Test”.